Using the progress control function within the nutrition software, it is also possible for you as a coach to clearly and digitally record the progress of your customer, e.g. weight loss towards the weight loss goal, in a graphic chart. This allows you to quickly identify ups and downs in your customer’s developments and take new measures if the development is not target-oriented and has not yet been successful.
Weight diary for progress control
And the weight diary with graphic statistics on their weight history is also a great tool for your customers to see day by day whether they are on the right track and are approaching their desired weight. This provides the extra portion of motivation!
Correct information
Your customers should “weigh themselves properly” in order not to experience any nasty surprises, which often lead to a loss of motivation. Correct information is crucial here for accurate and realistic self-monitoring. `Weighing correctly´ means always stepping on the scale under the same conditions, e.g. in the morning directly after getting up in an empty state, either naked or always in the same clothes. In this way, your customers avoid additional weight, which would falsify the statistics.
Progress control in the nutrition software
A weight log can be a useful tool for tracking progress and verifying the success of a diet. With it, body values can be precisely recorded and evaluated. With the nutritional software from Natty Gains, your customer can record their weight daily in their personal app account. Based on the values entered, the software displays the entries in a graphic and provides an overview of the progress made.
Weight log
To enter the daily weight in the nutrition app, your customer clicks on Profile > General > Statistics. His weight log opens and the daily weight can be recorded.
Your customer (or you for your customer) can enter their daily weight here. The weight development over several periods – 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year – is then visible in a diagram. In this way, both your customer and you as the coach always have an eye on the development of body weight.
Coming soon: progress control of body measurements and body composition
We continue to develop the nutrition software in a very agile way. The progress control of further parameters is planned. This includes body measurements of the waist, abdomen, chest, hips, legs and arms. It is also planned to be able to record body composition values in detail (fat percentage, water percentage and muscle mass).
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